Thursday, January 17, 2008

First post!!!

I was going to do a really deep post analyzing whether or not theology is a worthwhile subject, but I'd rather do something more first posty for the first post.

Daring Wagon Dragon - Delivering where others fear. Like lava beds. And baby stores.

So that's the name. That's what we'll do, metaphorically. Sometimes you might be thinking, "gbala gbala" because nothing makes sense, but it's like impressionistic art. You have to stand back to see the whole picture.

So who am I? What do I do? Not that anyone cares; Darren, the Miller's son, farmer by trade, anything else by choice. Almost no one will read this. Why am I doing this? Am I in such a need to be heard that I must post things that someone might potentially read? I'm not one who reads many blogs, except for some that my acquaintances write. So why write a blog? A gasp for fame? A call to my generation? Hopefully my reasons are worthwhile. My reasons are: I'd like to experience it, I'd like to give others enjoyment (which is why I only write about things that interest ME), and I'd like to chronicle my growth. I'm almost an adult. If I look back on these things later, when I'm old and gray, how will I be different? How will I have grown? These questions can only be answered with time. And time is the only thing in life that is free.

So what can you expect to find here??? Dreams, humor (if I'm in the mood), analyzing of theology, and other stuff. Social critique and such. I'm not going to write much about my life because that doesn't interest me. Maybe when it gets interesting I'll write about it... Some of the oddest dreams play out in my mind...

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