Friday, July 18, 2008

Direction of Daring Wagon Dragon

Daring Wagon Dragon is now a blog about me. I'm gonna talk about me and the things I like, because I never get to do it any other time and I'm potentially the only one who will read this. Posts without the tag "Journal" will not be about my life. By the way, I've been accepted into Jackson Hole Bible College, so I'll be going there in a few weeks. Yay!


Colin said...

Darren!!!! HUZZAH!!!!

Soon PHCers and homeschoolers shall take over the blogosphere. And with a couple names like lightbrigade and daringwagondragon, who can stop it? :-)

=Darren said...

Heheh! No kidding! Let us be the eagle-winged blogosphere, as opposed to the left-wing blogosphere. Our victory shall be complete!